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What Questions to Ask at an Apprenticeship Interview?

Apprenticeships are an excellent way to gain practical skills and knowledge while earning a wage. However, you may wonder, “What questions to ask at an apprenticeship interview?

This article will explore what questions to ask at an apprenticeship interview.

What Questions to Ask at an Apprenticeship Interview

1. What Are the Key Responsibilities of This Apprenticeship?

Understanding the scope of your role is vital. This question helps you clarify your duties, which can help you prepare and evaluate whether the apprenticeship aligns with your career goals.

2. How Will My Performance Be Evaluated?

Knowing how your progress will be assessed allows you to set clear goals. It also demonstrates your commitment to excelling in the role.

3. Can You Describe the Training and Development Opportunities Available?

Apprenticeships are all about learning. Inquire about the training and development programs to ensure you’ll gain valuable skills and knowledge during your apprenticeship.

4. What Is the Typical Career Progression for Someone in This Role?

This question shows your long-term commitment to the company. It also helps you understand your potential career path within the organisation.

5. How Does the Apprenticeship Program Contribute to the Company’s Goals?

Employers appreciate candidates who are interested in their company’s success. This question shows you’re not just looking for any apprenticeship but one that aligns with your values.

6. What Is the Company’s Approach to Work-Life Balance?

Work-life balance is crucial for your overall well-being. Ask about it to ensure the company’s culture suits your lifestyle.

7. How Will Feedback and Communication Work During My Apprenticeship?

Understanding the communication channels and feedback processes helps you integrate smoothly into the company’s culture.

8. What Are the Key Skills and Qualities You’re Looking for in an Apprentice?

This question allows you to highlight and match your strengths to the employer’s expectations.

9. Can You Describe a Typical Day or Week in This Role?

Visualising your daily tasks can give you insights into what the job will be like and whether it’s the right fit for you.

10. What Sets Your Company Apart as a Great Place for Apprenticeships?

This question showcases your interest in the company’s values and culture while helping you decide if it’s the right place for your career development.

11. How Does the Apprenticeship Program Adapt to Individual Learning Styles?

Everyone learns differently. Understanding how the program accommodates various learning styles can help you succeed.

12. Are There Any Opportunities for Networking or Mentorship Within the Company?

Building connections within your industry is essential. Inquire about networking events or mentorship opportunities offered by the company.

13. What Is the Duration of the Apprenticeship, and What Happens After It Ends?

Clarify the length of the apprenticeship and whether employment is possible afterwards.

14. What Is the Salary and Benefits Package for Apprentices?

It’s essential to know the financial aspects of your apprenticeship, including salary, benefits, and any additional perks.

15. Do You Have Any Advice for Preparing for This Interview?

This question demonstrates your commitment to succeeding in the interview and your eagerness to excel in the role.


Asking thoughtful questions during your apprenticeship interview helps you gather important information and shows your enthusiasm and commitment. Remember, an apprenticeship is a two-way street, and finding the right fit is just as important for your future as it is for the employer. So, be prepared, ask the right questions, and embark on a successful apprenticeship journey.

Updated on September 2, 2023

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