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What Level of Apprenticeship Can I Do?

Apprenticeships are an excellent way to gain practical skills and knowledge while earning a wage. However, you may wonder, “What level of apprenticeship can I do?

In this article, we’ll break down the various apprenticeship levels and help you determine which one might be the best fit for you.

What Level of Apprenticeship Can I Do

What is an Apprenticeship?

An apprenticeship is a work-based training program to equip you with the skills and knowledge required for a specific job or career. It combines on-the-job training with classroom learning, making it an excellent choice for those who prefer hands-on experience. Apprenticeships are available in various industries, from healthcare and construction to IT and finance.

Levels of Apprenticeships 

Apprenticeships are categorised into levels ranging from Level 2 to Level 7, each catering to specific educational backgrounds, career goals, and prior experience. Let’s delve into each level in detail:

Level 2 Apprenticeship

  • Suitable for School leavers and those with limited work experience.
  • Qualification: Equivalent to GCSEs (grades A* to C).
  • Duration: Typically lasts around 12 to 18 months.
  • What to Expect: Level 2 apprenticeships provide foundational skills for entry-level roles. You’ll learn the basics of your chosen field while working alongside experienced professionals.

Level 3 Apprenticeship

  • Suitable for: Individuals who have completed a Level 2 apprenticeship or have relevant work experience.
  • Qualification: Equivalent to A-levels.
  • Duration: Usually takes 18 months to 2 years.
  • What to Expect: Level 3 apprenticeships are more advanced and cover a broader range of skills. They prepare you for roles with more responsibility and often involve more complex tasks.

Level 4 and 5 Apprenticeships

  • Suitable for: Those with prior experience in their chosen field or who have completed a Level 3 apprenticeship.
  • Qualification: Equivalent to a foundation degree (Level 4) or a higher national diploma (Level 5).
  • Duration: Typically lasts 2 to 4 years.
  • What to Expect: Level 4 and 5 apprenticeships are considered higher apprenticeships. They offer a deeper understanding of your chosen career and can lead to supervisory or management roles.

Level 6 and 7 Apprenticeships

  • Suitable for: Individuals seeking a degree-level qualification and significant work experience.
  • Qualification: Level 6 apprenticeships are equivalent to a bachelor’s degree, while Level 7 is equivalent to a master’s degree.
  • Duration: Can take 3 to 5 years, depending on the specific program.
  • What to Expect: Level 6 and 7 apprenticeships are the most advanced and can lead to highly skilled and specialised roles. They are ideal for those seeking professional engineering, law, or healthcare accreditation.

How to Choose the Right Level

Choosing the right apprenticeship level depends on your qualifications, work experience, and career aspirations. Here are some key steps to help you make the right choice:

  1. Self-Assessment: Consider your educational background and work experience. What are your strengths and weaknesses? Where do you see yourself in the future?
  2. Research: Explore the different apprenticeship levels and the industries in which they are available. Look at job descriptions for roles that interest you.
  3. Talk to Experts: Seek advice from career advisors, teachers, or industry professionals who can provide insights into the skills and qualifications required for your desired career.
  4. Check Entry Requirements: Each apprenticeship program may have specific entry requirements. Make sure you meet these before applying.
  5. Personal Goals: Think about your long-term career goals. Do you want to gain practical skills quickly, or are you willing to invest more time in higher-level qualifications?
  6. Consider Your Learning Style: Reflect on your preferred learning style. An apprenticeship might be a great fit if you prefer hands-on experience and learning while working.


Apprenticeships offer diverse opportunities for individuals at various stages of their education and career journey. By understanding the different apprenticeship levels and considering your goals and circumstances, you can make an informed choice that sets you on the path to a rewarding and successful career. Remember that apprenticeships are about gaining qualifications and real-world skills and experiences that will benefit you throughout your working life. So, whether you’re a recent school leaver or someone looking to upskill, there’s likely an apprenticeship level that suits your needs and aspirations.

Updated on September 2, 2023

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