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What is an Apprenticeship Levy?

Are you interested to know “What is an apprenticeship levy?” 

In recent years, governments worldwide have recognised the importance of investing in skills development and bridging the gap between education and employment. One such initiative is the Apprenticeship Levy, a policy encouraging businesses to nurture talent and support apprenticeships actively. 

In this article, we will delve into the details of the Apprenticeship Levy, exploring its purpose, implementation, and benefits.

What is an Apprenticeship Levy

What is the Apprenticeship Levy?

The Apprenticeship Levy is a scheme introduced by the government to help fund and promote apprenticeships within businesses. It was first introduced in the United Kingdom in April 2017 as part of the government’s commitment to increasing the number and quality of apprenticeships available to individuals across various industries.

How does the Apprenticeship Levy work?

Under the Apprenticeship Levy, businesses with an annual pay bill of over £3 million must contribute 0.5% to funding apprenticeships. This pay bill includes all employee earnings subject to Class 1 secondary National Insurance contributions, such as wages, bonuses, and commissions. These funds are then allocated to a digital Apprenticeship Service account, which employers can use to invest in apprenticeship training.

Utilising the Apprenticeship Levy

Once businesses can access their digital Apprenticeship Service account, they can choose which apprenticeships to invest in and select a training provider from an approved list. Employers can use the funds to cover apprenticeship training and assessment costs, including tuition and learning resources.

Additionally, employers can collaborate with training providers to develop tailored apprenticeship programs that align with their business needs. This flexibility allows companies to create apprenticeship opportunities specific to their industry, ensuring the training meets the desired skillset requirements.

Benefits of the Apprenticeship Levy

  • Upskilling the workforce: The Apprenticeship Levy encourages businesses to invest in training and upskilling their employees, leading to a more competent and skilled workforce. This, in turn, enhances productivity and efficiency within organisations.
  • Bridging the skills gap: The Apprenticeship Levy helps bridge the gap between education and employment by creating apprenticeship opportunities. It provides individuals with practical experience and industry-specific knowledge, making them more employable and ready to contribute to the economy.
  • Cost-effective recruitment: Apprenticeships offer a cost-effective recruitment strategy for businesses. By hiring apprentices, companies can mould talent according to their specific requirements, reducing recruitment costs associated with external hiring and ensuring a steady supply of skilled workers.
  • Addressing industry needs: The Apprenticeship Levy enables employers to address skills shortages within their industries. By investing in apprenticeships, businesses can shape the future workforce to meet the evolving demands of their sectors.


The Apprenticeship Levy helps to develop a skilled workforce. By providing businesses with the means to invest in training and apprenticeships, the scheme benefits employers and individuals seeking to gain practical experience and enhance their employability.

Updated on October 8, 2023

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