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What Is A Good Apprenticeship

A good apprenticeship is based on a profession that demands a high level of expertise and takes some time to perfect. It includes formal off-the-job and on-the-job training and the support of at least one authorised person on the job. 

This is recorded in an Institute-approved “standard” that specifies what the apprentice will be able to perform at the end of their training.

The job will include terms and conditions that meet the legal and contractual requirements for an apprenticeship and offer opportunities to learn all of the standard skills and knowledge required by the standard (with training). The vast majority of apprentices will continue to work full-time for their training firm. If they do not, a good apprenticeship employer will do everything necessary to guarantee that the apprentice has a position when they complete their training.

Apprenticeship training should take at least a year (usually much longer), with off-the-job training accounting for one-fifth of the time. This may be a “day release” programme or a less formal off-the-job training programme closer to the employer. This programme must be offered by a training provider or college listed on the Apprenticeship Training Providers Register and must pass an Ofsted inspection.

The apprentice will be assessed at the end of the apprenticeship by a highly trained assessor working for an assessment organisation on the Register of Apprenticeship Assessment Providers, with quality assured by the Institute’s arrangements. The assessment will determine whether or not the apprentice is qualified for the position.

Updated on August 27, 2022

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