What Apprenticeship Level Should I Do?

Apprenticeships are an excellent way to gain practical skills and knowledge while earning a wage. However, you may wonder, “What apprenticeship level should I do?

If you’re a young individual pondering your career path, an apprenticeship can be an excellent way to kickstart your professional journey. 

This guide breaks down the different apprenticeship levels.

What Apprenticeship Level Should I Do

Understanding Apprenticeship Levels

Apprenticeships are classified into different levels, each reflecting a specific degree of expertise and knowledge. These levels range from intermediate to higher and even degree apprenticeships. Your chosen level should align with your current qualifications, career aspirations, and the field you’re interested in.

1. Intermediate Apprenticeship (Level 2)

This level is designed for those just starting in their chosen field who might have yet to gain prior qualifications. If you’ve recently completed your GCSEs or have a few relevant qualifications, an intermediate apprenticeship could be the right fit. You’ll gain a solid foundation of skills and knowledge, preparing you for entry-level roles.

2. Advanced Apprenticeship (Level 3)

An advanced apprenticeship is a step up from the intermediate level. This level could be suitable if you have some prior qualifications, such as A-levels or an intermediate apprenticeship, and you’re looking to enhance your skills further. Advanced apprenticeships can lead to roles that require a greater degree of expertise and responsibility.

3. Higher Apprenticeship (Level 4-5)

Higher apprenticeships are the way to go for those aiming to achieve a higher level of competence and knowledge. These levels are akin to foundation degrees and can provide you with the skills necessary for supervisory or technical roles. This level might align well with your aspirations if you have A-levels or advanced vocational qualifications.

4. Degree Apprenticeship (Level 6-7)

Degree apprenticeships offer a remarkable opportunity to earn a university degree while gaining practical experience. If you aspire to hold a bachelor’s or even a master’s degree, this level is worth considering. It’s ideal for individuals who have completed their A-levels or a higher apprenticeship.

Choosing the Right Level

Selecting the appropriate apprenticeship level involves a combination of your educational background, career ambitions, and personal skills. Here are some steps to help you decide:

  1. Assess Your Qualifications: Consider your existing qualifications, such as GCSEs, A-levels, or vocational certificates. Each apprenticeship level has certain entry requirements that you need to meet.
  2. Define Your Goals: What career path do you envision for yourself? Research the qualifications typically required for your desired roles. If higher qualifications are necessary, opt for a higher-level apprenticeship.
  3. Personal Skills and Interests: Reflect on your strengths and interests. Do you excel in hands-on practical work, or are you more inclined toward theoretical learning? The apprenticeship level should align with your learning style.
  4. Long-Term Aspirations: Think about your long-term goals. If you’re aiming for managerial positions or specialized roles, a higher-level apprenticeship might provide the advanced skills you’ll need.
  5. Talk to Advisors: Consult your school’s career advisor or an apprenticeship provider. They can provide valuable insights based on your situation and aspirations.


Choosing the right apprenticeship level is crucial to shaping your future career. Evaluating your qualifications, aspirations, and personal preferences is important to make an informed choice. Whether you’re leaning toward an intermediate apprenticeship or aiming for a degree apprenticeship, each level offers unique opportunities for growth and learning. Remember, your apprenticeship journey is a stepping stone toward a successful and fulfilling career.

Updated on August 19, 2023

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