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How to Write a Cover Letter for an Apprenticeship UK

A cover letter is a written letter that goes alongside a CV explaining who you are and why you are sending your CV to the company. The main aim of a cover letter is to persuade a recruiter to read your CV and invite you to a face-to-face interview. So how do you write a cover letter for an Apprenticeship UK?

Step 1: The first step is to say Hello.

The cover letter must be addressed to the person who would read it. If you open your letter to John or Steve and the person reading it is called Barbara, you’re in deep trouble. Barbara will be enraged.

Addressing an apprenticeship cover letter to the wrong person shows that you haven’t done your research on the business. In addition, it suggests that you are uninterested in the role for which you are applying. Employers frequently provide the person’s name to which you send the cover letter in the job posting.

Step 2: How you found the job

Once you’ve adequately responded to your apprenticeship cover letter, you should clarify what work you’re applying for and how you came across the opportunity in the first place.

Employers can sometimes interview for several positions simultaneously, so be sure you’re being interviewed for the right one. For example, it would be tragic if you were preparing for an engineering apprenticeship and sent your CV and cover letter to the person hiring security guards.

Step 3: What is it that piques your interest?

Now that they understand why you’re writing to them, tell the recruiter you want the apprenticeship. This is where you can bring your employer’s research to use. It would help if you did preliminary research on the organisation hosting the apprenticeship before you begin writing your cover letter.

As a result, you must do thorough homework on the apprenticeship you are applying for. For example, were there any case studies or reviews from previous apprentices?

But now that you’ve finished your research, it’s time to pick up a pen and justify why you’re drawn to this industry and this apprenticeship. Again, this is an excellent way to talk about business values.

You’ve shown that you understand and value the company’s values and ideals. Furthermore, you have shown an interest in assisting the organisation in meeting its objectives.

Step 4: Skills and experience

You’re on a roll now, so begin describing your background and why it qualifies you for the apprenticeship. Always have the content relevant to the job you’re applying for on hand!

When we mention “past,” we don’t imply your life story. An employer does not need or want to know where you were born, whether you had a happy childhood or had a severe hummus allergy.

Discuss how your qualifications and work experience contribute to or led you to apply for this apprenticeship. For example, explain how a module you completed or a temporary work placement you completed prepared you for the position.

Exclude extracurricular activities as well as personal interests. This is about your CV – a cover letter for an apprenticeship is a teaser for your CV, not a full-fledged resume.

In this section of your apprenticeship cover letter, discuss what skills you should bring to the company. The cover letter will pique their interest rather than intimidate them with just one or two points.

You can’t only say, “I am a fantastic team member,” and then rattle off a list of unsupported skills. Instead, explain why your unique skills, qualifications, and work experience make you an excellent candidate for this apprenticeship.

Step 5: ‘I’d like to schedule an interview.’

The tricky part is now complete. There is little left to do except concluding the cover letter. It’s impossible to go wrong here.

Avoid utilising offensive language, slang, or something else that the reader may find funny. You should be okay with your apprenticeship cover letters and life if you meet these guidelines.

In a few sentences, thank the recruiter for taking the time to read your application. But be vigilant not to ruin something. Frequently emphasise the eagerness and joy in attending an interview.

Step 6: Farewell, bye-bye

You’ve arrived at the end of the road. If you start the letter with a personal name, like Barbara, end it with Yours Sincerely. If you can’t find Barbara’s initials, start your apprenticeship cover letter with ‘Dear Sir/Madam and end with Yours Faithfully.

That is what there is to it. You have just finished writing your cover letter for an Apprenticeship UK.

Updated on September 5, 2022

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