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How to Claim Apprenticeship Levy?

Apprenticeships are an excellent way to gain practical skills and knowledge while earning a wage. However, you may wonder, “How to claim apprenticeship levy?

The Apprenticeship Levy is a vital tool for employers to invest in developing and training their workforce. It’s a government initiative to boost the quality and quantity of apprenticeships across various industries. 

In this article, we’ll provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to claim the Apprenticeship Levy, ensuring you make the most of this opportunity to upskill your employees and grow your business.

How to Claim Apprenticeship Levy

Step 1: Understand the Basics

Before diving into claiming the Apprenticeship Levy, it’s crucial to grasp the fundamentals. The levy applies to employers with an annual pay bill of over £3 million. This pay bill includes the total earnings of all employees subject to National Insurance contributions. If your pay bill meets this threshold, you are required to pay 0.5% of your pay bill as the levy.

Step 2: Set Up Your Apprenticeship Service Account

To claim the Apprenticeship Levy, you must create an Apprenticeship Service account on the government’s online portal. If you haven’t an account, visit the official website and follow the straightforward registration process. This account will be the hub for managing your levy funds and apprenticeship programs.

Step 3: Calculate and Pay the Levy

Your Apprenticeship Service account will help you calculate and report your monthly levy. You’ll need to input your pay bill, and the system will automatically calculate your levy payment. Payments are due each month, but the government provides an allowance of £15,000 to offset your levy liability, making the process more manageable.

Step 4: Accessing Levy Funds

You can fund apprenticeship training and assessments once your levy funds accumulate in your account. For every £1 you put into the account, the government adds an extra 10%, allowing you to get more out of your investment. These funds can be used to train both new and existing employees, helping you nurture a skilled and capable workforce.

Step 5: Select a Training Provider and Apprenticeship Program

Now comes the exciting part – selecting an apprenticeship program that aligns with your business needs. Research and choose a suitable apprenticeship training provider who offers the program you’re interested in. The training provider will help you create a training plan and cost estimate using your available levy funds.

Step 6: Reserve Funds and Pay for Training

You can reserve funds for specific apprenticeship programs in your Apprenticeship Service account. Once you’ve chosen a program and received a cost estimate from your training provider, you can allocate the required funds. The government will share the cost of training, co-funding the apprenticeship. Payments to the training provider are made directly from your account.

Step 7: Reporting and Management

Regularly review your Apprenticeship Service account to monitor your levy funds, payments, and the progress of your apprentices. The account also allows you to report on your apprenticeship activities, demonstrating your commitment to employee development. This reporting helps maintain transparency and ensures you maximise your levy investment.


The Apprenticeship Levy is a valuable opportunity for employers to enhance their workforce’s skills while contributing to the growth of their business. By following these simple steps – understanding the basics, setting up your account, calculating and paying the levy, accessing funds, selecting training, and managing your account – you can make the most of the apprenticeship levy and create a more skilled and competitive team. 

Updated on October 8, 2023

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