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How Much is a Hairdressing Apprenticeship?

Apprenticeships are an excellent way to gain practical skills and knowledge while earning a wage. However, you may wonder, “How much is a hairdressing apprenticeship?

This article will delve into how much an apprenticeship costs an employer, providing a comprehensive overview for employers and businesses.

How Much is a Hairdressing Apprenticeship

Apprenticeship Wages

Employers must pay their apprentices at least the national minimum wage (NMW) for their age group. The minimum wage rates for apprentices depend on their age and the number of years they have been in an apprenticeship:

  • Under 19 years old: Apprentices are entitled to the apprentice rate, which is generally lower than the standard NMW.
  • 19 and over, but in the first year of their apprenticeship: They are also entitled to the apprentice rate.
  • 19 and over and have completed the first year of their apprenticeship: They must be paid the standard NMW for their age group.

Training Costs

Apprenticeships come with training costs that employers need to consider. The government provides funding for apprenticeship training, but this depends on the employer’s size and the specific apprenticeship program. Small businesses (those with an annual wage bill of less than £3 million) typically receive financial support covering a significant portion of the training costs. Larger companies may be required to contribute more to the training expenses.

Additional Costs

In addition to wages and training costs, employers should be aware of other potential expenses related to hiring apprentices. These may include:

  • Mentorship and Supervision: Allocating time and resources for experienced staff to mentor and supervise apprentices is essential to ensuring their development and success within the company.
  • Equipment and Materials: Depending on the nature of the apprenticeship, employers might need to provide the necessary tools, uniforms, or learning materials for their apprentices.
  • Assessment Fees: Some apprenticeships require external assessments, which may incur additional fees.

Government Incentives

To encourage employers to take on apprentices, the government has introduced several incentives that can help offset the costs. These incentives might change over time, so employers need to stay updated with the latest information. As of my last update, some of the incentives included:

  • The Apprenticeship Levy: For larger employers with a wage bill over £3 million, the Apprenticeship Levy is a tax they must pay to fund apprenticeships within their organization. However, employers can access these funds to pay for apprenticeship training, reducing costs.
  • Apprenticeship Grants: In certain cases, employers might be eligible for grants to help cover costs associated with hiring and training apprentices. The eligibility criteria may vary based on the apprentice’s age and the employer’s location.


While hiring an apprentice does come with certain costs for employers, the benefits often outweigh the financial investment. Apprenticeships allow employers to nurture new talent, boost productivity, and create a skilled workforce tailored to their specific needs. With government incentives available and various funding options, employers can take advantage of apprenticeships to contribute to their business’s success while supporting the growth of the future workforce. Remember to stay up-to-date with the latest information on funding and incentives to make the most of this valuable opportunity.

Updated on October 8, 2023

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