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Can You Do an Apprenticeship in the Army?

Apprenticeships are an excellent way to gain practical skills and knowledge while earning a wage. However, you may wonder, “Can you do an apprenticeship in the army?”

In this article, we will delve into the details and shed light on the opportunities and benefits of undertaking an apprenticeship in the Army.

Can You Do an Apprenticeship in the Army

Understanding Apprenticeships

Apprenticeships are structured training programs that combine on-the-job learning with classroom instruction. They allow individuals to gain practical skills, earn a wage, and work towards nationally recognised qualifications. Typically, apprenticeships span various sectors, including engineering, construction, healthcare, and even the Armed Forces.

Apprenticeships in the Army

Yes, you can indeed pursue an apprenticeship within the British Army. The Army offers a range of apprenticeship opportunities designed to equip individuals with the skills and knowledge required for military roles while providing them with civilian-recognised qualifications. These apprenticeships cover various fields, such as engineering, logistics, healthcare, information technology, and more.

Benefits of Army Apprenticeships

  1. Skills Development: Army apprenticeships offer extensive hands-on training, allowing individuals to develop practical skills in their chosen field. Whether mastering technical expertise or honing leadership abilities, these apprenticeships provide a solid foundation for personal and professional growth.
  2. Recognised Qualifications: Alongside gaining essential military skills, apprenticeships in the Army also lead to nationally recognised qualifications. These qualifications hold value within the Armed Forces and in the civilian job market, enhancing your employability prospects.
  3. Competitive Salary: Army apprentices receive a salary, allowing them to earn while they learn. The amount varies based on the apprenticeship and level, ensuring individuals are fairly compensated for their dedication and commitment.
  4. Career Progression: Upon completing an Army apprenticeship, individuals can explore various career opportunities within the Armed Forces. The skills and experience gained during the apprenticeship provide a strong foundation for career progression, with possibilities for further training and promotions.
  5. Unique Experiences: Joining the Army as an apprentice offers a chance to engage in exciting and diverse experiences. From field exercises and deployments to working alongside experienced military personnel, apprenticeships provide an immersive and dynamic learning environment.

How to Apply

To embark on an apprenticeship in the Army, you will need to meet certain criteria. The eligibility requirements vary depending on the specific apprenticeship and level. Generally, applicants must be at least 16, possess the necessary academic qualifications (such as GCSEs), and meet the Army’s health and fitness standards.

You can visit the official Army website or contact your local Army careers centre to apply. They will guide you through the application process, provide information on available apprenticeships, and help you determine the most suitable pathway for your interests and aspirations.


Undertaking an apprenticeship in the Army can open doors to a rewarding and fulfilling career. With a wide range of apprenticeships available, the Army offers individuals the opportunity to gain practical skills, earn qualifications, and serve their country simultaneously. The benefits are numerous, from personal and professional development to competitive salaries and unique experiences.

If you have a passion for learning and serving, an Army apprenticeship might be the perfect pathway. Combining education, training, and military service can lay the foundation for a successful and meaningful future. 

Updated on June 4, 2023

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