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Can You Change Employer During Apprenticeship?

Apprenticeships are an excellent way to gain practical skills and knowledge while earning a wage. However, you may wonder, “Can you change employer during apprenticeship?”

This article will delve into the details surrounding this topic and shed light on the possibilities and considerations involved.

Can You Change Employer During Apprenticeship

Contractual Agreement

When entering an apprenticeship, a legal agreement is established between the apprentice, the employer, and the training provider. This agreement outlines the responsibilities and rights of all parties involved, including the apprenticeship duration, employment terms, and the training program. Therefore, reviewing this agreement thoroughly before signing and seeking clarification on any concerns or queries is important.

Can You Change Employers? 

While apprenticeships are designed to be comprehensive training programs, circumstances may arise that necessitate a change of employer. 

The possibility of changing employers during an apprenticeship depends on several factors, including:

  1. Apprenticeship Agreement: The first step is to review the apprenticeship agreement signed with the initial employer. Some agreements may include provisions that allow for employer changes under certain circumstances. It is important to consult this document and seek advice from the training provider or an employment advisor.
  2. Employer Approval: Changing employers during an apprenticeship requires the consent of all parties involved. The new employer must be willing to take on the apprentice. At the same time, the training provider and funding agency, such as the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) in England, may also need to approve the change.
  3. Availability of Apprenticeship Vacancies: Finding an alternative employer with apprenticeship vacancies may be crucial. Engaging with local job boards, apprenticeship websites, and networking within your chosen industry can help identify potential opportunities.
  4. Transfer of Credits: Depending on the apprenticeship stage, transferring the credits earned during the training program to a new employer may be possible. This allows the apprentice to continue their learning journey seamlessly.

Process of Changing Employers

If changing employers during an apprenticeship seems like the best course of action, the following steps can guide you through the process:

  1. Review the Agreement: Examine the terms and conditions outlined in your apprenticeship agreement. Look for clauses regarding employer changes, notice periods, and any other relevant information.
  2. Seek Support: Consult your training provider, apprenticeship coordinator, or employment advisor. They can provide guidance, answer your queries, and assist in finding potential alternative employers.
  3. Application and Interviews: Apply for apprenticeship vacancies with new employers that align with your career aspirations. Prepare a well-crafted application and attend interviews to showcase your skills, knowledge, and enthusiasm.
  4. Communicate with Employers: If a new employer expresses interest in hiring you, inform your current employer about your intention to change. Maintain open and transparent communication throughout the process to ensure a smooth transition.
  5. Transfer of Training: Work with your new employer and training provider to transfer your apprenticeship records and credits. This will help ensure continuity in your learning journey.


While changing employers during an apprenticeship can present challenges, it is not impossible. By thoroughly reviewing your apprenticeship agreement, seeking support from training providers and employment advisors, and actively exploring alternative opportunities, it may be possible to change employers without jeopardising the progress made in your apprenticeship. Remember to approach the process with professionalism and open communication to facilitate a successful transition.

Updated on June 2, 2023

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