Are All Apprenticeships Paid?

Are you interested to know, “Are all apprenticeships paid?” 

In this article, we will explore the ins and outs of apprenticeship wages to help clarify any confusion. Whether you’re a 16-year-old just starting your career journey or someone interested in a career change, understanding apprenticeship pay is essential. So let’s dive in!

Are All Apprenticeships Paid

What is an Apprenticeship? 

An apprenticeship is a training program that combines on-the-job training with classroom-based learning. It allows individuals, typically aged 16 or older, to gain practical skills, knowledge, and qualifications in a specific industry or profession. Apprenticeships are available in a wide range of sectors, including engineering, healthcare, IT, construction, and more.

Apprenticeship Levels

Apprenticeships in the UK are categorised into different levels, which determine the depth and complexity of the training program. The levels are as follows:

  1. Intermediate Level Apprenticeships (Level 2): Equivalent to GCSEs (grades 9-4/A*-C)
  2. Advanced Level Apprenticeships (Level 3): Equivalent to A-levels
  3. Higher Apprenticeships (Levels 4-5): Equivalent to a foundation degree or higher national diploma
  4. Degree Apprenticeships (Levels 6-7): Equivalent to a bachelor’s or master’s degree

Apprenticeship Wages

In the UK, not all apprenticeships are paid the same, and the amount you earn will depend on various factors. Here’s a breakdown of the different wage options:

  • National Minimum Wage for Apprentices: If you’re under 19 years old or in the first year of your apprenticeship, you are entitled to the apprenticeship minimum wage. 
  • Employer-Set Wage: Many employers offer wages above the minimum apprenticeship wage to attract and retain talented apprentices. These rates can vary widely and depend on factors such as the industry, location, and employer’s discretion. It’s common for employers to review wages as apprentices progress through their training.
  • Age-Related Minimum Wage: If you are no longer eligible for the apprenticeship minimum wage (i.e., you are 19 or over and have completed the first year of your apprenticeship), you will be entitled to the age-related minimum wage. The rates for this wage category are reviewed annually and are typically higher than the apprenticeship minimum wage.
  • Living Wage: Some employers, particularly those committed to fair pay, may choose to pay their apprentices the living wage or even the London living wage. The living wage is calculated based on the cost of living in the UK and is updated annually.

Benefits of Paid Apprenticeships

Receiving a wage while undertaking an apprenticeship can bring several advantages, such as:

  • Financial independence: Earning a wage allows you to support yourself financially during your training.
  • Gaining work experience: Paid apprenticeships often provide more comprehensive on-the-job training opportunities, enhancing your skills and boosting your employability.
  • Recognition and motivation: Being paid for your work can be a great motivator, promoting a sense of value and accomplishment.


Not all apprenticeships are paid the same. The amount you earn as an apprentice can vary depending on factors such as your age, the stage of your apprenticeship, the industry you’re in, and the specific employer you work for. It’s important to familiarise yourself with the wage structure and entitlements to ensure you make informed decisions about your career path.

Updated on May 14, 2023

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