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Are All Apprenticeships Government Funded?

Are you interested to know, “Are all apprenticeships government funded?” 

Apprenticeships provide an excellent opportunity to gain valuable skills and practical experience in a chosen field while earning a wage. However, you might wonder if the government funds all apprenticeships in the UK. 

Are All Apprenticeships Government Funded

Understanding Apprenticeships

An apprenticeship is a form of training combining practical work experience and structured learning. It allows individuals, often starting from the age of 16, to gain hands-on skills in a specific occupation while receiving formal education and earning a wage. Apprenticeships cover many industries, including healthcare, construction, engineering, hospitality, etc.

Government-Funded Apprenticeships

In the United Kingdom, the government is committed to promoting apprenticeships and invests in funding programs to support employers and apprentices. However, it’s important to note that not all apprenticeships are government-funded.

Funding Types

  1. Levy-funded Apprenticeships: The government introduced the Apprenticeship Levy in April 2017, requiring larger employers with an annual payroll of over £3 million to contribute towards the funding of apprenticeships. These employers must pay 0.5% of their payroll into a digital account, the Apprenticeship Service. These funds can be used to cover the costs of apprenticeship training and assessment.
  2. Co-Investment Model: The government provides a co-investment model for smaller employers who do not fall under the Levy. This means the government covers 95% of the apprenticeship training costs, and the employer contributes 5%. This funding model aims to make apprenticeships more accessible for small and medium-sized businesses.
  3. Government Support for Additional Costs: In some instances, the government offers additional financial support for apprenticeships. For example, suppose an apprentice requires extra support due to a disability or learning difficulty. In that case, the employer may be eligible to receive funding to cover the costs of necessary accommodations or adjustments.

Non-Government Funded Apprenticeships

While many apprenticeships receive government funding, some are funded directly by the employer. These employers may invest in apprenticeship training in their workforce development strategy. Non-government-funded apprenticeships can provide valuable opportunities, particularly in sectors requiring specific skills, but the employer may not be eligible for government funding.


Not all apprenticeships in the UK are government-funded. The government offers various funding models, including the Apprenticeship Levy and co-investment, to support apprenticeships across different industries. However, some employers fund apprenticeships independently to develop their workforce and meet their needs. Researching and exploring different apprenticeship opportunities is important to understand whether they are government-funded or funded directly by the employer. Regardless of funding source, apprenticeships provide an excellent pathway for individuals to gain skills and experience and embark on a successful career journey.

Updated on May 14, 2023

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